Soham Gadgil

Hi! I am a third year CSE PhD student at University of Washington in the AIMS Lab, co-advised by Dr. Su-In Lee and Dr. Linda Shapiro. Prior to starting my Ph.D, I spent a year as a data engineer at Microsoft in the Windows Experience team.

I completed my Masters from Stanford in Computer Science with a depth in AI, where I was a research asistant in the Computational Neuroimage Science Lab (CNSLAB), advised by Dr. Kilian Pohl. I was also part of the AI for Healthcare (AIHC) bootcamp in the Stanford ML Group, advised by Dr. Pranav Rajpurkar and Dr. Andrew Ng. I finished my Bachelor's at Georgia Institute of Technology, with a major in Computer Engineering and a minor in Computer Science.

I am also a part-time instructor at Persolv, teaching AI fundamentals to high school students. In my spare time, I like playing tennis, hiking, exploring different cuisines, and watching movies (especially legal thrillers).


profile photo

The research problems I want to work on lie at the interesection of Artificial Intelligence and Healthcare. Some of my current research interests include:

  • Clinical AI: Using multi-modal data (images, text, etc.) with deep learning to perform diagnoses and treatment of various ailments.
  • Explainability: Developing AI techniques to increase model interpretability in settings where features are not trivial to obtain (like Emergency Medicine), auditing AI models to make them more trustworthy by exploring causal relationships between inputs and predictions.

3DSP Discovering mechanisms underlying medical AI prediction of protected attributes
Soham Gadgil *, Alex J. DeGrave *, Roxana Daneshjou, Su-In Lee
CVPR 2024 DCAMI Workshop (Oral, Best Paper Runner-Up Award)
3DSP Estimating Conditional Mutual Information for Dynamic Feature Selection
Soham Gadgil *, Ian Covert *, Su-In Lee
ICLR 2024
[Paper] [Code]
Data Alignment for Zero-Shot Concept Generation in Dermatology AI
Soham Gadgil, Mahtab Bigverdi
ICLR 2024 DPFM workshop
3DSP Fostering transparent medical image AI via an image-text foundation model grounded in medical literature
Chanwoo Kim, Soham Gadgil, Alex J. DeGrave, Zhuo Ran Cai, Roxana Daneshjou, Su-In Lee
Nature Medicine 2024
[Paper] [Code] [Press] [Allen School News]
3DSP CheXseg: Combining Expert Annotations with DNN-generated Saliency Maps for X-ray Segmentation
Soham Gadgil *, Mark Endo *, Emily Wen *, Andrew Y. Ng, Pranav Rajpurkar
MIDL 2021
[Paper] [Code]
3DSP Spatio-Temporal Graph Convolution for Resting-State fMRI Analysis
Soham Gadgil *, Qingyu Zhao *, Adolf Pfefferbaum *, Edith V. Sullivan, Ehsan Adeli, Kilian M. Pohl
[Paper] [Code]
3DSP Solving The Lunar Lander Problem under Uncertainty using Reinforcement Learning
Soham Gadgil, Yunfeng Xin, Chengzhe Xu
IEEE SouthEastCon 2020
[Paper] [Code]
Other Experiences
  • Reviewer: NeurIPS 2024, MIDL 2022, ICLR 2024 DPFM Workshop
  • President of Georgia Tech IEEE, leading the largest IEEE student branch in the US with over 800 members.
  • International Liasion for the Student Alumni Association at Georgia Tech.
  • Peer leader in freshmen and senior student dormitories.
Teaching Assistantships

University of Washington
cs_107 Introduction to AI (CSE 473)

The course covers principal ideas and developments in artificial intelligence: Problem solving and search, game playing, knowledge representation and reasoning, uncertainty, machine learning, natural language processing. I held weekly office hours and assisted in preparing/grading the homework assignments.

cs_107 Computer Organization and Systems (CS 107)

TA for CS 107, one of the largest introductory undergraduate courses at Stanford with over 150 students. I led two hour-long lab sessions each week along with office hours and assisted the professor in grading homework and desiging exams. Topics included the C programming language, data representation, machine-level code, computer arithmetic, elements of code compilation, optimization of memory and runtime performance, and memory organization and management.

iswc2018 Trustworthy Machine Learning (CS 329T)

TA for the first course offering of CS 329T. I co-developed and led the lab sections with ~25 students. I also helped the instructors design some of the lecture slides, homework assignments, and the final project.

Georgia Tech
linear_alg Linear Algebra (MATH 1554)

As a TA for linear algebra, I led two 50 minute recitation sessions with 25 students each week. Concepts ranged from eigenvalues, eigenvectors, applications to linear systems, least squares, diagonalization, quadratic forms.

comp_arch Computer Architecture (CS 3056)

Guided over 60 students with homeworks and projects in computer architecture. Held weekly office hours, exam review sessions, and collaborated with the instructor for grading and project ideation. Topics included the basic organizational principles of the major components of a processor - the core, memory hierarchy, and the I/O subsystem.

(Design and CSS courtesy: Jon Barron and Amlaan Bhoi)